Thursday, November 20, 2008

rsg trial qustions

RSG: Trial Prep

Trial of Chairman Mao: Witness Question Sheet
Directions: You as a witness are to write four questions and answers in the perspective of your character using the book as a reference. You should find passages from the novel in support of Chairman Mao OR evidence against him depending the side of the case you are representing. Remember to USE page numbers and POST these questions on your blog. Lawyers, use this document to create cross-examination questions. Two per character should be sufficient.

Character: Student Name:

1. Question: How has Mao Ze-Dong effected your life, would you have done better with out him?

Answer: (include page #)

I have showed my respect for him and because of it I Have higher class status. I have a good education, I don't need to work as much, and get to be a part in Activities, like being elected for the Red guard Committee on pg.166. Being elected showed my Honor for our chairman, I even led the morning Benediction on pg. 166 as well. Without him I wouldn't have been at school and working more probably, I still work like when I left school early on pg.172 to make dinner but I think we some work to do, if we didn't we would be bourgeoisie. I am respected now because of him, and feel proud to be a Red guard for him, was quite emotional for him on pg. 167.

2. Question: Did you try to help Ji-Li become a educable child? How?

Answer: (include page #)

Well I try to show her to work hard and congratulate her on pg. 169 when does well in her math. On pg. 201 and 200 I tell her and the other girls we have to keep on working no matter how long it takes to make the picture of Mao. On pg. 204 to 205 I tell her bout my brother who has epilepsy. She wonders why I don't stay with him, so I try to teach her that our chair man is first instead of family. Later after that emotional time I find out on pg. 232 that she wanted to go to the factories for the summer instead of the rice fields becuase she wants t be with family. After telling about my brother she still doesn't listen. I have to cry to convince her so that she goes and learns a lesson. She proably wouldn't have gone if I hadn't cried or persuaded her.

3. Question: Why did you go to the rice fields instead of the factoy?

Who wouldn't, I went becuase

Friday, October 31, 2008

RED SCARF GIRL Study Questions, G Block
RED SCARF GIRL by Ji-Li Jiang Study
Guide for Prologue to Chapter 7
Answer Questions in complete sentences and in depth on another sheet of paper and include PAGE NUMBERS.
G Block Answers1. Who are the members of Ji-Li’s family? Describe her family home. What class status does her family belong to? What is the occupation of her father? Mother?Answer: Members of Ji-Li's family:
Ji-yun (the younger sister), Ji-yong (the younger brother), the mother, the father, the grandmother, Song Po-po (nanny then housekeeper), and Little White (the cat).Family home: It was big and had its own private bathroom. It's warm , comfortable, and has lots of light (pg. 7). It has burgundy curtains (pg. 7). They have a French window, high ceilings, and a top floor. The house was 10 times as big as many of my classmates house (pg. 15).Class status: They called themselves middle class (pg.?).The occupation of her father is an actor (pg. 13). Her mother was an actress but now she works in a sports equipment store (pg. 13). Her grandmother was a teacher and vice-principal (pg. 14).

2. What is Ji-Li’s life at school like? What special honor is Ji-Li picked for at school? Describe Ji-Li’s parents’ reaction. What does Ji-Li do instead of entering the audition?Answer: Ji-Li's very respected because she has good grades, she's bright, she's the student chairman of the whole school, she's been studying martial arts since 2nd grade, and she's a young pioneer (pg. 5,9).Honor:
She was offered an audition for the Liberation Army Arts Academy (pg. 6).Parents' Reaction: Her father stopped her but didn't tell her what the consequences were which are their political background investigation (pg. 8,9,10).Instead of doing audition: She gave the note from her parents to the principal and then she hides behind trees. An-Yi wonders what's up with her. She doesn't even tell her best friend what's going on (pg. 10-11).

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 12, 2008 Flex day
Garment Factory Questions

5. What do you think the level of safety is here? What makes you think this?

I think the level of safety is very high. The factory was clean. They told people to wear masks so they wouldn't breath in dust, they had people fixing machines, and they fire extinguishers. They practiced how to evacuate. Over all it was pretty safe and i felt comfortable.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Flex day

my amazing quote is:

"I learned that the people that work in the factory are well taken care of" :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Elliot’s Expose

Blog response instructions:

• Answer the questions in complete sentences and use proper English (restrain from using MSN chat style of writing).

• Use evidence from the novel to support your answer and include page numbers.

• When commenting to your peers, be respectful in your language and about their responses. It is okay to disagree, but do it in a polite manner.

When Elliot writes about his experience with the Jock Rots and sends it out over the KidNet, he includes the following quote in his letter.

"I think people ought to realize that stuff like this goes on every day…The rest of you are all part of it-because you let it go on and maybe you think it's funny, or you think it only happens to geeky outsiders and kids who are smaller or fatter or skinnier or don't have so many friends or so much money as you. So tell me-what happens when you don't have so many friends one day, or you don't have so much money, or something bad happens to you?" (91-92)

Blog Question:What is the message is he trying to get across to his classmates? (6pts)

I think what elliot is trying to say is that we all need to work together to make bulling stop. He gives examples and tells that we are all part of it. We all are either a bully, victim, or bystander. most of us are bystanders. We usauly let this go on and do nothing. Elliot wants us to work together and aware people what is going on.

I agree with what Elliot is trying to say to people, I agree that he is not just saying bullies and victims are not sterotypes but they are every day people who are not respected, becuase people just treat them as not normal people, so then they feel not normal and people let them go on teasing them, but we all are or we are all unique.

i agree that he is trying to get people to to write what is happening to them (pg.91 to 92), to make them feel better, to help them have courage. I also think he is doin this becuase when Catalina wrote her story people started repsecting her and understood. He is trying to get people to understand and respect what is going on.

Two Peer Responses (4 pts)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

blog: Role Reversal

Blog response instructions:
• Answer the questions in complete sentences and use proper English (restrain from using MSN chat style of writing).
• Use evidence from the novel to support your answer and include page numbers.
• When commenting to your peers, be respectful in your language and about their responses. It is okay to disagree, but do it in a polite manner.

Blog Question: After the Bully Lab was renamed, the Revealers, and the stories of the three Darkland students were released and well received by the student body, Elliot wanted to publish Russell’s narrative about Richie punching Russell in the face.
1) Why was Russell so opposed to the idea (pg. 110)? Explain. (4 pts)

I think Russell wasn't exactly scared but he didn't want to be slugged in the face, but I think he wanted to keep things as they were and not bother Richie, because Richie stood up to the Jock Rots for him, so he was being nice to Russell. Some evidence for my answer is that on pg. 110 in the second paragraph is Russell telling Elliot what happened to him when the Jock Rots were gaining up on him and Richie standing up for him. He explains what happens and his feelings.
2) What is happening to the relationship between Russell and Richie. (3 pts)

Russell and Richie's relationship is different because on pg. 44 to 45 Richie punches Russell ( because Russell was asking him questions why he was mean to people) but then helps him get of the street and brings his back pack. After that Russell hasn't seen Richie in a while, until the Jock Rots gain on him. Richie stands up for him but then afterwards goes away. I think they aren't friends but Richie is feeling bad for what he did because he knows what being hit is like. So they are just people that awknoledge each other.
3) Two Peer Comments (4 pts each)

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I live in Bangladesh, Though I am from WA. I go to school and I like it here. I love cheese, black, red, metal, practically any rock, and a lot more. I have a huge obsession on vampires. I love horror movies and comedy. I like to run around like a maniac. you should try it some Time. LOL!
My friends are awesome and they will always be because they understand me and YA. I dont know what to say really but ya. Ok see Ya!